crowd fund

2190 days ago

Will you support the Crowd Fund to stop evil UK Oil & Gas infringing ALL our civil liberties

Normally if it is a group of smelly, workshy, tree huggers up against a PLC in the Courts I back the PLC all the way. Capitalism rocks and most protesters should just go get a bath, get on their bikes and get a proper job. But this case is different and we should all support the smellies.


3123 days ago

Watch the Golden Saint Public Execution Live Update – Crowd Funding Net Proceeds now MINUS £1938.50

This gets more hilarious by the day, the slow public execution of Golden Saint Resources (GSR) as it endeavours to secure £250,000 via a crowd funded convertible debt death spiral. On day 2 the net proceeds so far are MINUS £1,938.50.  Death ahoy. The hard maths are just appalling.
